#Dogfish Head Brewery Archives – Page 2 of 5 – PorchDrinking.com
The Weekly Buzz | May 18 – 24
May 25, 2018 | Dan BortzI’m totally stoked for Memorial Day weekend. I don’t have to work, which in itself is a rarity, and I also used two vacation days to finagle an entire week off. But let’s not forget the reason that we don’t have to work on Monday. Use every sip of beer as an opportunity to toast those who have fallen in service to our country. They paid the ultimate price so that I could post some nonsense I found on Twitter. This is The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | May 11 – 17
May 18, 2018 | Dan BortzI’m far too tired to give you a witty introduction. My body is aching. Migraine symptoms are setting in. I know that these are probably related to the amount of time I spend on Twitter, but I’m just too darn committed to compiling this dumb list of tweets for your enjoyment. My own well-being comes second to you. Submitted for your approval, this is The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | May 4 – 10
May 11, 2018 | Dan BortzI need to wake up at 4 A.M. to go to the gym. I’m not sure that this is the best way to live my life. I should be staying up late, drinking beer and waking up for work at the last possible second. What’s happening to me?! Anyway, here’s a bunch of stuff I found on Twitter and Instagram. Just because I’m not drinking, doesn’t mean you can’t have your own Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | April 6 – 12
April 13, 2018 | Dan BortzThis was one of those weeks that I allowed my day job to get in the way of my fun beer writing job. I really had to push my Twitter-scrolling finger past its safety limits to get this post out in time. While I grab an ice pack and a beer, you can check out this edition of The Weekly Buzz.
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The Strategic Approach Behind Dogfish Head’s New Summer 12-Packs
April 11, 2018 | Taylor LaabsWe’ve written on here before about Dogfish Head’s passion to stand out amongst growing competition in the craft beer market. Heck, we even devoted an entire 6er to it. But crafting a beer with scorching hot chili peppers or moon dust can only go so far. At some point, you need to find new ways to set yourself apart from the beer lining the shelf next to you. In their latest move, Dogfish Head is doing just that by introducing the new Off-Center Your Summer Pack. The new pack signals their shift towards differentiation by presenting a more premium product that offers more than just a 12-pack of beer to consumers. Dogfish Head Founder and CEO Sam Calagione offered his thoughts on the new seasonal variety pack and what its introduction to the market means for Dogfish Head and the larger craft beer arena.
The Weekly Buzz | March 16 – 22
March 23, 2018 | Dan BortzI had planned on writing something political this week. The urge to create a good old-fashioned doom-and-gloom post was almost undeniable, but it turns out that I don’t have the energy. There is simply no fuel left in my tank. We had a snowstorm on the second day of spring, which led to a lot of unwelcome shoveling. I had to replace the battery in my fiancee’s car (in the midst of the heaped-up snow). It’s just been one of those weeks. Here’s some stuff from Twitter and Instagram. I’ll be in bed drinking beer and enjoying my Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | March 9 – 15
March 16, 2018 | Dan BortzHave you ever potty trained a toddler? I’m on my third, and it’s very stressful. There could be a child peeing in their pants or on my living room floor at literally any moment. At least I have beer. Delicious, mind-numbing beer. I drank a bunch and then scrolled through Twitter. Check out what I found in this edition of The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | February 23 – March 1
March 2, 2018 | Dan BortzI barely drank any beer this week. The disappointment is very real. What compounds these feelings of regret is that I had to search for fun beer things on Twitter and Instagram all week. I do this all for you, dear readers. If I don’t, who will? I mean… I know you could just do it yourselves, but I like to feel important. Enjoy this edition of The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | February 16 – 22
February 23, 2018 | Dan BortzI’m not going to lie to you. I barely got on Twitter this week, and the bulk of that time was arguing the pronunciation of Hefeweizen with some podcasters. Despite that, I think I still managed to find a bunch of fun posts to share with you all! The most dominant theme was #DrinkItNow Day. I normally ignore made-up Twitter holidays, but this one seems worthwhile. Encouraging you beer-hoarding nerds to empty out your cellars is a mission I can really get behind! Open up that vertical of barrel-aged Stouts and enjoy The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | February 9 – 15
February 16, 2018 | Dan BortzIt’s been another fun week on Beer Twitter! There has been so much going on that a bunch of things probably slipped past my net. Either way, I’ve got a fun collection of stuff for you in this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz, so make sure your boss isn’t around, crack open a beer and start scrolling!
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The Weekly Buzz | January 19 – 25
January 26, 2018 | Dan BortzIt’s high time that we discuss something very important. That thing is the NFC Conference Championship. The result was exactly as I thought it would be — a thorough shellacking of the Minnesota Viking by a vastly superior football team. Nick Foles led the Eagles to victory and will do so again in the Super Bowl. Philly loves to be the underdog, so keep underestimating them, Tom Brady! Oh… and I found some beer things on Twitter, too. This is the Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | January 12 – 18
January 19, 2018 | Dan BortzI just realized today that I’ve gone to the gym 11 days in a row and plan on going twice tomorrow. What kind of human being does that to themselves? I could be drinking beer, but instead I’ll be sweating my butt off. I guess if I burn more calories I can drink more beer. Searching Twitter and Instagram for beer-related content is definitely the thirstiest of work. Enjoy the fruits of my labor in this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | January 5 – 11
January 12, 2018 | Dan BortzThis week was rough. The frigid weather broke in Pennsylvania and brought 40-degree weather to Pennsylvania. The reprieve, however, revealed a frozen, burst hot water pipe, which became a massive leak as it thawed. I mostly tell you this because I want your pity. feed on it. Also, I don’t want you to notice that The Weekly Buzz is embarrassingly light this week. Shit happens. We’ll all move past it and do better next week.
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The Weekly Buzz | December 29 – January 4
January 5, 2018 | Dan BortzWell, it’s officially 2018. I don’t feel much different than I did last year. I already go to the gym on a regular basis, so I don’t have a pesky weight loss resolution to deal with (although I do have plenty left to lose). The world is still a terrifying hellscape, and we’re all used to that by now. We still have craft beer, so that’s a mark in the “Win” column. Craft beer also loves creating internet nonsense for us all to read, and we’ve collected some fun ones this week. Welcome to The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | December 1 – 7
December 8, 2017 | Dan BortzIt’s been a fun week in craft beer, so I have cobbled together a piece that mostly shenanigans. After all, beer doesn’t always have to be serious! Be sure to crack open a fresh brew before you scroll through this nonsense. All styles pair well with The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | November 24 – 30
December 1, 2017 | Dan BortzSo, which of you maniacs woke up ungodly early to hunt for Black Friday beer releases or discount video game consoles? I did neither. I went to my job and nursed my Thanksgiving hangover like a responsible grown up. With every passing minute, I grew more and more enraged by BCBS posts. First of all, I don’t really care what beer you bought, and, secondly, it’s just really fancy Budweiser. There’s no need to flood every beer forum with pictures of your “haul”. Anyway… Other things happened this week, too. Here they are in an all-new edition of The Weekly Buzz.
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Ultimate 6er | New M&M Flavors Paired with Excellent Beer
November 30, 2017 | Jordan PalmerHalloween may have passed, but my stash of “Dad tax” candy continues to thrive — my kids must pay for the right to trick-or-treat. Hence, traditionally, all Reeses, Smarties and M&M’s become my property.
As a result, I noticed an influx of new M&M flavors that I had not tried. Suddenly the classic, brown-bagged Plain M&M’s and yellow-bagged Peanut M&M’s were joined by such flavors as Birthday Cake, Pumpkin Spice, Cafe Mocha and Carrot Cake.
Of course, that got me thinking, ‘Which of these flavors would go best with what beer?’ This Ultimate 6er seeks to find the answers.
The Weekly Buzz | November 10 – 23
November 24, 2017 | Dan BortzWelcome to this special double-edition of The Weekly Buzz. I had a work obligation that stopped me from posting last week, but fear not! I did manage to collect all the content, which is good because there was a LOT going on. Anyway… Here’s the best beer-related Twitter and Instagram content from the last two weeks. It’s time to start sipping on this special barrel-aged bottle of The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | November 3 – 9
November 10, 2017 | Dan BortzThis week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz is going to be a little shorter than usual. It’s November, and cold weather has finally arrived, but I refuse to admit it and fire up the furnace. It is a brisk 54 degrees in my living room, and I will soon be departing to enjoy some free heat at my local gym. I might even work out, too! In the meantime, here’s some stuff I found on the internet. Cheers!
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The Weekly Buzz | October 13 – 19
October 20, 2017 | Dan BortzAnother week has gone by, and I’ve spent too many hours on Twitter. I think it’s affecting my personality. I engaged a troll the other day, and I don’t even know why! Is there a 12-step program for Social Media? I’m not saying that I have a problem, but, I mean, it’s pretty likely that I have a problem. Anyway… Here is some fun beer stuff that I found for you! Saddle up, dear readers! It’s time for The Weekly Buzz.
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