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#virginia Archives –

The Virginia Beer Co. and Fauve Craft Bière Celebrate ‘Hero of Two Worlds’

January 7, 2025 |

“Oui oui mon ami, je m’appelle Lafayette!

The Lancelot of the Revolutionary set

I came from afar just to say Bonsoir

Tell the king ‘Casse toi!’ Who’s the best?

C’est moi!”

Vive Lafayette! beer with Hamilton record
Photo provided by Justin Brummer.

Hamilton fans worldwide have been captivated by the gracefully arch swagger of the inimitable Daveed Diggs as the great French Revolutionary hero, sweeping through the first act of the multiple award-winning, genre-defining show with glamorous panache. While Lafayette’s pivotal role in the American Revolution has been immortalized by Diggs on Broadway, his significance to American history and politics can be seen all around us. There are 36 U.S. towns and cities bearing the name of America’s Favorite Fighting Frenchman, a namesake college dating back to 1826 in Easton, Pennsylvania, and the American Friends of Lafayette society dedicated to the preservation of his memory and legacy, formed in 1932.

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Old Bust Head Brewing Co. | Vixen Irish Red Ale

November 21, 2023 |

Old Bust Head Brewing Co. is a solar-powered microbrewery located in Fauquier County, Virginia. The brewery and taproom are situated in Vint Hill, a farm with five decades’ history as a top-secret military listening post—a unique location for a brewery to call home!

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Beer Cocktails | Diesel Beer & Coke Taste Test

November 9, 2022 |

Now that Oktoberfest has ended, what do we do with all the leftover beers? Yes, you could easily drink them but if you’ve grown tired of steins and steins of German beer, then might PorchDrinking offer you a delicious, unique alternative! Presenting the Diesel, a 50/50 mix of Beer and Coca-Cola.

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Nighthawk Brewery & Pizza | Mid-Day Sun Mexican Lager

July 22, 2022 | 1

Nighthawk Brewery & Pizza opened in spring 2022 in Arlington, Virginia, serving unique pizza and craft beer in a 90’s themed space. Twenty taps are centered in the bar, with fast table service from a QR code outside the main bar area. Utilizing many top-tier (including Michelin Star rated!!!) local chefs, brewers and industry staff, the large family-style tables are a great place to relax while watching a game or trying to seek refuge from the humidity.
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Brothers Craft Brewing | Doppelbock

December 15, 2021 |

The Doppelbock is a criminally underrated beer style. While many German styles are known for their simplicity, Doppelbocks take the love of grain into overdrive by emphasizing on layers of malty sweetness. Thanks to their alcohol content and variable grain bill, Doppelbocks are allowed to have a bit more expression from the brewery. That’s why Spaten Doppelbock leans more caramel-y whereas Tröegs Troegenator is more savory and fruit-forward. Where Brothers Craft Brewing re-invents the Doppelbock comes from a particular infusion of a very special wood.

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Legend Brewing Co. | Brown Ale

September 2, 2021 |

Every state has a classic craft beer that changed people’s perception of what beer was. From Spotted Cow in Wisconsin to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in California, there’s a dependable representative that can be found everywhere from gas station to supermarket. In Virginia, we’re fortunate enough to drink the incredibly popular Brown Ale by Legend Brewing Co.

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What We’re Cooking | Curried Pork Chops & Dubbel Apple Chutney

June 22, 2021 |

This recipe comes from Scott Johnson’s recipe book and is a modern twist on the classic pairing of pork chops and applesauce.

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2020 Virginia & D.C. Best in Beer Year-End Honors

December 29, 2020 |

The 2020 Virginia and DC Best in Beer features a community surviving and even thriving in this most unusual year. It was a time of coming together where local breweries invented new ways to reach their loyal customers, and those customers took their “drink local” mantra to new heights.  Together, the local craft beer community weathered the storm with remarkably few breweries closing, and even a few new ones opening.

Local breweries continued to put out some wildly creative and delicious beers and perhaps more than ever proved their worth as creators and sustainers of social bonds. The Virginia and Washington, DC craft beer communities look forward to a more “normal” 2021 while taking pride in their remarkable resiliency throughout the unprecedented global challenges of 2020.

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What We’re Cooking | Imperial Stout Infused Salt

December 23, 2020 |

One of the greatest benefits to our “What We’re Cooking” series is that PorchDrinking has the chance to do our own special kind of recipe development. Any chef will show you how alcohol can be present in just about any kind of dish for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert but beer is mysteriously underrepresented. However, just like home brewing, it means there’s a world of undiscovered projects just waiting to be uncovered. And Scott Johnson may have found a new beer-tasting seasoning to hit the shelves with Imperial Stout Salt! Read More

Indulgent Beer Series | Aslin Padrino Imperial Stout

November 23, 2020 |

On the cusp of Thanksgiving 2020 after an incredibly stressful year; we all deserve a moment to indulge. Though as you can only fill your stomach so much or tolerate a certain amount of beer; what do you choose? Well, there’s no better option to treat your senses than to enjoy a beer that comes with its own recipe card!

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Väsen Brewing Co. | Triple Peach Saison

October 29, 2020 |

Tis the season for Saison, and Väsen Brewing out of Richmond, Virginia, has put out one of the best in the mid-Atlantic. Their Triple Peach Saison hits all the right notes for the cooler weather and shorter days, perfect for leaf-peeping along the Blue Ridge Parkway or sipping next to the year’s first bonfire.

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Restless Moons Brewing Company | Harrisonbürger Pilsner

June 3, 2020 |

Breweries have taken the initiative to distribute their beer due to the restrictions of COVID-19. In turn, craft beer fans should support as many nearby breweries as possible as they push through uncertain times. Not only are you doing what is right for local businesses but you may discover your new favorite beer from down the block! That’s how I came into contact with Restless Moons Brewing Company Harrisonbürger Pilsner.

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The Answer | Heh Heh Heh Hrr Rrr Heh Huh! Rakau! Ha Hrr

April 15, 2020 |

The Answer Brew Pub is well-known across the mid-Atlantic for its fruited sours (Joose, anyone?) and phenomenal IPAs, but whoever names their beers is the real superstar here.

You read the title of that beer above right. It’s been double-checked it for you. Can you guess the beer name’s reference?

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Aslin Beer | You Call That a Knife

February 26, 2020 |

Aslin Beer Company has been producing some of the best beer in Virginia for quite a while now, and the addition of a new taproom in Alexandria, VA last year has upped their game to another level. Known for their high-ABV stouts, fruited sours and hazy IPAs, Aslin continues to hit the mark across the board with solid beers.

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Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery | Coconut Quad

September 18, 2019 |

Compared to every other season, autumn always conjures up particular styles of beer. Pumpkin beers, Märzens, and Ambers match drinkers’ palates like the changing shades of leaves. As the summer winds down during peaks of sweltering humidity, you wouldn’t think there could be a beer over 10% fitting for the season. Thankfully, us Virginians have access to a beer that perfectly represents the twilight of summer with Lickinghole Creek’s Coconut Quad.

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Ardent Craft Ales | Brett IPA

August 1, 2019 |

Richmond, VA is known to some as a mecca for craft beer in the state for lovers. Ardent Craft Ales was originally started as a cooperative of homebrewers who wanted to get out of their kitchen and brew a little more seriously. To do so, they rented out a garage with a half-barrel system and started brewing every Sunday in said garage located in the Churchill region in the eastern side of the city.

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Solace Brewing | Partly Cloudy

June 17, 2019 |

When you walk into Solace Brewing, you feel a bit happier. The vibe at this sprawling facility in Sterling, Virginia is just cheerful. From the employees to the customers, the brewery seems to live by its motto: “Find Your Solace.”

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Vasen Brewing Company | Savvon

April 5, 2019 |

Every once in a while, you have that experience with beer that completely blows your mind and excites your taste buds in ways others have not. Vasen Brewing Company out of Richmond, Virginia, has done just that with the recent and first bottle release of Savvon–a dry-hopped Farmhouse Ale. The complexity and flavors capped within these bottles were amazing and worth every drop.

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Sinistral Brewing | Draft Favorites

February 26, 2019 |

Virginia’s beer market is booming, with big names and new, sprawling establishments. Among those, Sinistral Brewing Company, located in Manassas, VA, really embraces simplicity, though it certainly isn’t dull. Sinistral takes family and community to heart: its location is right near a commuter rail station; they provide a venue to featuring local musicians and they name beers after colleagues’ children, just to give a few examples.

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Aslin Beer Company | The Implication

February 11, 2019 |

The reckoning of New England IPAs is going to come. After years of the milkshake beer being the new kid on the block, trends are slowly switching back to old school pale ales and even hopped lagers. I don’t think the NEIPA will fully go away, but when every brewery jumps on the trend it just loses it’s panache. I thought I had tasted every kind of juice box imaginable … until trying The Implication from Aslin Beer Company.

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